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Advanced Systems

Flight Management (Advanced)

The advanced version comes with additional FMS features to suit the seasoned flightsimmer:

-          Complete Vertical Profile, including descent path optimization logic, constraint management, performance databases, wind model, pseudo-points, and more!

-          Temporary and Secondary Flight Plans

-          Alternate Flight Plan

-          Offset Path Construction

-          Direct-To with Abeam, Radial-In and Radial-Out functions

-          OPC/AMI Configuration file that allows you to customize several system features, such as default thrust reduction altitude, or final holding altitude

ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring)

-          Dozens of ECAM messages, checklists, and advisories simulated

-          Absolutely realistic sounds and message layout/wording

-          Complex, real-world like message logics

-          Status Page

-          Overflow Management

-          CLR, RCL, EMER CANCEL functions


-          Complete ADIRS simulation with customizable alignment times, drift errors, ATT mode and so on

Fire Protection

-          Fire protection system simulation, including agent discharging, engine/APU isolation, tests, etc.

Progressive Braking

-          Innovative feature, allowing smooth braking action by gradually increasing the brake force. No more stopping dead on taxi-ins.

-          Various conditions, such as weather and spoiler extension, affect braking efficiency.